Friday, May 30, 2014

Destination: Crater Lake (Redding to Mount Mazama)

With one more big destination left on our journey, we set out, determined to get a picture of Mount Shasta and Shasta Lake on the way. 

As we crossed Shasta Lake, I saw the boat giving a tour, and the signs for Shasta Caverns. I added this area to the growing list of places to come back to.

Shasta Lake was beautiful. We pulled off on a service road for pictures.

Hopping on the back of Nathan's bike, I took pictures in motion again!

And then we began to chase Mount Shasta. 

It got closer

And closer

And closer, until we turned off of I5 (thank goodness) in a town called weed. 

It was time for pizza!

The signs were convincing and the pizza did not disappoint. 

Even Spanky liked it!

Back on the road, we were headed to Crater Lake, with a short rest slated for Kalmath Falls.

But then, there was a Grass Lake. 

Don't believe me?

Cleaning visors, snapping pictures, and moving on, we headed North.

We got to Kalamath Falls, and discovered it was named for a 10 foot waterfall that had been damned. I learned that they get 300 days of sun a year. I love northwest high deserts. They get snow too!

We saw a goose parade where some seagulls were trying to join in.

We took a picture of the lower lake, and headed on.

The real gem was upper Kalamath Lake. We drove next to it for miles! We didn't stop for pictures, though. It was time to go to Crater Lake!

We saw Annie Falls when we were nearly there, and pictures couldn't capture this mysterious canyon that stretched for miles.

And on we went!

The bikes arrived.

Oh, and so did we. :-)

We checked into our cabin for the night. Cute, cozy, perfect.

Then we headed out to explore on two wheels!

Half the road was closed. We went as far as we could one direction, then snapped pictures all the way back.

Snow, as far as the eye could see in one direction.

And pristine, crystal clear beauty in the other.

I loved the perfect reflections the lake provided. And the allure of wizard island.

Motorcycle boots for snow play... Fun!

Off to the historic lodge for dinner!

We tried Elk, and it was amazing!

Spanky made friends with the employees.

And I took more pictures.

It was 8:00, but felt much later. Time for some relaxing and dozing off. 

I'm not ready for the adventure to end, but my hope is that a long string of continued motorcycle adventures will keep us honeymooning for a lifetime. And hey, we still have to get home, right? The ride doesn't end here... 

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